How do we assist pastoral search committees?
FREE Access to Over 500 Pastoral Candidates Who Are Actively Searching for a Black Church to Pastor.
The truth of the matter is that there is not currently a good way for our black churches to connect with potential pastoral candidates. That's why we introduce pastoral candidates to black churches seeking a pastor. And yes! It is absolutely FREE. You have nothing to risk and everything to gain.
Why Every Search Committee Should Use P4BC To Conduct Their Search:
We Will Soon Be the Chosen Pastoral Search Tool For Candidates Seeking a Black Church
Our objective is to become the “Go To” choice for every candidate who is seeking to pastor a black church. As it stands right now, there are very few existing alternatives. We anticipate the day when there will be thousands of pastoral profiles on P4BC. A Search Committee should use our site because P4BC is where the candidates are.
We Offer Unprecedented Depth and Quality of the Candidate Exposure:
A resume and a cover letter are usually a search committee's initial exposure to a candidate. Inherently, it is a process that forces the committee to look at and see only the “outward appearance” of a candidate. Our video introductions allow for a glimpse into the heart of your candidates. No, it's still not the perfect process, but, yes, it's so much better than what we currently have.
Our Step-By-Step Process Makes Your Search Easier… But It's Still Not Easy:
“Where do we start” and “What comes next”. These are two very common questions that tend to slow down the pastoral search process. Why? Because currently, every pastoral search committee has responsibility for creating its own search process from scratch. So, P4BC offers a pattern and a plan for your search. The specifics that you use to make the process your own will be entirely up to you. The process of finding a new pastor is inherently difficult and the struggle is necessary for you to hear the voice of God in your process. Even with our help the struggle won't change, we just help to easy the pain.
Our Efficient System Allows Your Committee to Focus on Hearing God:
It is not uncommon for a pastoral search to continue for a one or two year period and most of that time is WAITING. You are always waiting for something. Maybe you’re waiting for the mail or maybe it’s the next committee meeting or perhaps your waiting on a candidate’s response. But there is always a lot of waiting because we have an inefficient process. That’s why we take pride in having established a bible based process than can take what might have required months of waiting and we’ve made it efficient enough to be completed in mere seconds.
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List of Steps
Step 1: Create your Search Committee P4BC Account
The first step in getting your Pastoral Vacancy listed is very simple. Just click the button to establish a P4BC Search Committee Account. You don't even have to worry about dealing with the technology because our team will guide you along step-by-step. The idea here is for you, as a church seeking a pastor, we want you to be very clear and focused on how you communicate your pastoral vacancy and less focused on how to handle ins and outs of the computer. Your objective is to properly communicate so that you can heard who God has selected to fill it.
Step 2: Input Your Responses and Video Into Your Profile and Vacancy Listing
Once the committee has agreed upon the contents, either someone from your team or someone from out team will input the listing data online. Typing and uploading the necessary information will take only about 30 minutes.
Step 3: Screen Candidates and Then Advance or Disqualify Candidates One Stage At A Time
The first phase of your search process will be the gathering of applications until your chosen “Close Applications” date. During this period, the committee should establish the criteria that will be used to advance or disqualify a candidate from further consideration. The objective at this point is to only take 20 to 25 candidates with you to the next phase, however, understand that it is very possible that you could have hundreds of potential candidates. We have a process that contains five stages of candidate list refining. Each phase is designed to help you see the heart of the candidate more clearly and to hear the voice of God more distinctly. Your committee and your church will partner with God to reduce the number of candidates with each progressive stage.
Step 4: Bless Your New Pastor
The pastoral search process properly carried out will clearly reveal that the person God sends as your pastor is a true gift from God. The pastor will have the most visible ministry in the church. And although the pastor is surrounded by people continually, the pastoral ministry is the loneliest ministry in the church. Be a blessing to the person who serves in the capacity as the undershepherd and learn how to show them love.