

We're Revolutionizing The Pastoral Search Process In God's Favor

You've Got Questions About It.  We've Got Insight About It. ...So, Let's Talk About What Your Doing About It.


We have patterned PastorsForBlackChurches.com around the Biblical model found in 1 Samuel 16 where the Prophet Samuel visited the house of Jesse to reveal God's choice of a king to succeed Saul.  However, Samuel's execution of the process revealed some potential process pitfalls.  Firstly, Samuel's process "almost" selected the son of Jesse that looked the most "king-like".  And secondly, Samuel's process was "almost" not extensive enough to reveal the one God has already chosen, David. The saving grace in both situations is that Samuel was listening to God speak.  These two types of process pitfalls can affect Search Committee, as well.  We believe we can help, so, let's talk.

Let's Talk About Your "Planned Processes"

No member should have to be a Pastoral Search process expert.  You should only have to do this one (maybe two) times in your life.  However, as a committee member, you are charged with leading a process that can affect the church for years to come.  Let's talk about the plan you have for your process.

Let's Talk About Your "Methodology"

Does you process make room for God to speak?  It is very easy to get so "busy" that you exclude God from His own process because you are busy doing "stuff".  Remember, this is not an employment process.  You are not hiring a CEO.  This must be a spiritual journey.  Let's talk about your methodology.

Let's Talk About Your "Desired Results"

Your desired result should be the installation of God's choice.  Our God is a rewarder of them who diligently seek Him.  There is a blessing in finding God's choice, God's way.  This won't be a perfect person, but will be perfectly selected for you.  Let's talk about your desired results.

Rev. John W. Woodall, Jr., JD, MBA

Your Consulting Host:

Rev. John W. Woodall, Jr., JD, MBA

Pastor John W. Woodall, Jr. is the president and founder of Pastors For Black Churches, but he is also the Senior Pastor of South Calvary Missionary Baptist Church in Indianapolis, IN.  

Pastor Woodall has been uniquely qualified for this task of REVOLUTIONIZING the pastoral search process. This effort is the culmination of everything the Lord has prepared him because he is a pastor who holds a Master of Business Administration Degree, a Law Degree, and he has over 10 years of human resource experience with a Fortune 500 company.  


Consultation Scheduling Is Limited

Our consultations are set up via a conference call.  On each call we are willing to meet with a single representative of your Search Committee or we can meet with the entire Search Committee on the call.  When you set the call, you can invite as many people as you desire.

Please be advised that our sessions are strictly limited to 30 minutes or less due to other time constraints and responsibilities.
