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Finding God's Choice, God's Way
Every member of a pastor Pastoral Search Committee should invest a few hours of their valuable time to take this free course because most committee members would readily agree that although the process by which a new pastor is selection is designed by God to be a spiritual process, they are not certain of how to carry it out in a biblically sound manner. Therefore, they tend lean more to their understanding of the basic rules of business and the common notions of the best practices of employee recruitment and hiring and then the add a touch of prayer along the way for good measure.
But what is frequently overlooked is that God has already established a plan and a program. This course seeks to teach you what God has said and give you the opportunity to allow it to the process
About the Host Instructor:
Rev. Woodall, is the founder of and the Senior Pastor of South Calvary Missionary Baptist Church in Indianapolis, Indiana. He holds a B.S. degree and an M.B.A. from Ball State University and a Juris Doctorate degree from the Indiana University School of Law.
How to proceed with a process of seeking a pastor even though the Bible does not expressly state a process and remain consistent with God's will.
The passage of scripture that provides the most guidance of the path that every search committee must embark and how to use it to avoid the pitfalls it suggests.
What responsibility every member of your committee must fulfill BEFORE you endeavor to do any work in the effort to fill your pastoral vacancy
Reserve your seat now and join us in this online class that will change the way you think about the pastoral search process and your role in it.